Ready to begin your journey to Health and Happiness?
Healing is rarely rapid or immediate. It involves self-care and personal growth. Personal growth work includes counseling, bodywork, dietary changes, and a regular personal practice of movement, breath work and meditation.
To help you get started with a regular personal practice, I am offering a series of 4 on-demand 30-minute yoga practices for strength, mobility, stress reduction, and mental focus.
Health & Happiness Yoga Series with Christine Lussier includes:
Yoga for Lower Body
Yoga for Upper Body
Yoga for Stress Reduction
Yoga for Mental Focus
A live virtual 2-Hour Yoga Workshop: Living in Harmony with Yourself and Your World (recording will be available.)
Bundled with:
8 Recorded Practices from the Health And Happiness Summit (Video & Audio for added convenience and available for download.)
Investment $195.
You will get access via email to one on-demand video, available for download, weekly beginning Wednesday, February 8 through March 1, 2023.
The Live Virtual Workshop will be held on Saturday, March 18 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm EST.
The Zoom link will be sent to you the week before the event. A recording of the workshop will be emailed to you.
You will have access to the Live Virtual Workshop recording and the on-demand video links and Summit Practices through December 31, 2023.
Interested only in attending the workshop? See below.
In this workshop you will learn how to create your own home yoga practice, based on what you need that day. Some days we feel anxious, scattered, agitated. Other days we may feel lethargic, listless, depressed. Specific yoga practices can bring us back into balance. We will move through several various short practices that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine.
(Recordings will be available for everyone who registers)
What you will learn:
Yoga practices and techniques to strengthen and stabilize both body and mind.
What are the energies, or qualities that are the cause of our suffering and how yoga can help reduce that suffering by bringing these qualities into balance.
Various brief but effective home practices that you can incorporate into your daily routine.
Yoga Workshop: Live in Harmony with Yourself and Your World
In this workshop you will learn how to create your own home yoga practice, based on what you need that day. Some days we feel anxious, scattered, agitated. Other days we may feel lethargic, listless, depressed. Specific yoga practices can bring us back into balance. We will move through several various short practices that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine.
Yoga offers so many healthy benefits - a stronger, more flexible body, strengthens the immune system, improves focus and boosts brain power, reduces anxiety and lifts your mood.
Practicing yoga daily (or several times a week), you may find yourself more comfortable speaking up for yourself, setting boundaries, widening your experiences, feeling better about yourself, going after your dreams, and tapping into and embracing what brings you joy.
From a place of better physical and mental health and enhanced well-being, you are able to find purpose and meaning and joy in your life.
Try it out for yourself!
Join me this Saturday, March 18 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm EST live on Zoom.
Investment $95